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As our fortunes seem, the project is not deployed for public use due to shortage of finances. We support open source initiative and hence urge you to go through a few simple and easy steps to get your own instance up and running!



  • AWS secreets access id and keys.
  • IAM user with ECS admin policy.
  • Decide on AWS Region (based on wherever you are situated)
  • ECS_VPC- any VPC you make in your region.
  • Subnets, based on your needs, make any amount. The project has three subnet variables in its template, add subnets based on what you desire. Make sure to change /pkg/core/service-ops.go ; pkg/core/load-balancer-ops.go and pkg/handlers/health.go w.r.t. how many subnets you add.


It is recommended to have three subnets if you're new to the project and don't want to tinker around.


  • Docker cli, engine and running demon
  • Docker compose


We've added compose for local dev and usage, suggested to use swarm for more reliable use cases.


Go version go1.22.5 (not required if developing on fe)


Any Javascript/typescript runtime, preferrably node.

Dev setup

For Frontend based development, it is recommended to build and run the backend using docker compose.


Most straight forward to quicly start BE would be to use docker compose. For ease of setup, everything is in place.

We do need to setup all unset variables in the .env.tamplate file.

cp .env.template .env
Now set all the required variables.

Just execute the commands below in prject root folder (BYOC/)

  • start the containers:
    docker compose up
  • for first time running, we need to push and create initial client in the db:
    docker exec -it byoc_app bash
    cd ../app/pkg/database
    go run db push
    That's it. Everything good to go now!


if you want to work on the BE, just start it using go cmd/main.go for BE dev. Do a compose build to check if eveything is in place and you're good to go.


The fe folder acts as the root flder for our frontend written in NEXTjs. It alse acts as a proxy server for proxying custom paths to the deployment DNS.

set env using cp fe/.env.template fe/.env

Since our backend is serving on port 80 (if deployed from docker compose), do check in fe/.env that NEXT_PUBLIC_BE_URL=http://localhost:80 In the frontend fe folder:

npm i
npm run dev


If you're not using docker compose to run the backend, backend would be served on port 2001 and hence you should either delete NEXT_PUBLIC_BE_URL=http://localhost:80 or set it to http://localhost:2001